Unicon Programming¶

The Unicon Programming Language¶
Unicon, Unified extended Icon, by Clinton Jeffery, Shamim Mohamed, Jafar Al Gharaibeh, Ray Pereda, Robert Parlett, and team.
PDF available at UniconProgramming.pdf
Icon, an iconoclastic programming language. The design of Icon was led by Dr. Ralph Griswold at the University of Arizona, starting in 1977, as a structured successor to SNOBOL and refinement of SL5. Icon includes a rich set of datatypes and operators, generators, goal directed evaluation with implicit backtracking, text scanning, integrated graphics, and other complementary very high level features. The design facilitates powerfully concise, yet surprisingly readable program source code. All with an admirable performance profile.
Unicon extends the feature set of Icon by adding classes, a POSIX layer, networking, and a host of other modern development productivity enhancements. Development of Unicon is led by Clinton Jeffery.
Well met¶
# Introductory Unicon
procedure main()
write("Hello, world")
Example run:
prompt$ unicon -s introductory.icn -x
Hello, world
And that is the Hello, world
program for Unicon
, proof that the basic
system is properly installed and functioning.
deserves a little more than that, so this next introduction lets us
see what features are included in the installation.
# Introductory Unicon
procedure main()
write("Hello, world")
write("\nFeatures in this ", &version)
every write(&features)
This time, all the glorious command line details are also included, but don’t worry, this will all be second nature before you know it.
prompt$ unicon introductory-features.icn -x
Parsing introductory-features.icn: .
/home/btiffin/unicon-git/bin/icont -c -O introductory-features.icn /tmp/uni94970798
No errors
/home/btiffin/unicon-git/bin/icont introductory-features.u -x
Hello, world
Features in this Unicon Version 13.1. August 19, 2019
native coswitch
concurrent threads
dynamic loading
environment variables
event monitoring
external functions
keyboard functions
large integers
multiple programs
pattern type
pseudo terminals
system function
3D graphics
X Windows
libz file compression
JPEG images
PNG images
secure sockets layer encryption
CCompiler gcc 5.5.0
Physical memory: 7808401408 bytes
Revision 6034-743ffd1
Arch x86_64
CPU cores 4
Binaries at /home/btiffin/unicon-git/bin/
So, yeah, wow, there is a lot of neat stuff in there.
Seeing as there are graphics, here is a graphical hello.
# hello-graphics.icn, graphical hello demonstration
procedure main()
w := open("hello-graphics", "g")
writes(w, "Hello, graphic world")

That example is the basics for graphical output in Unicon.
As simple as console output, to a graphical window.
The next listing is a little more sophisticated, more appropriate for the automatic image captures shown throughout this docset. Note the different font choice.
# hello-graphics.icn, graphical hello demonstration
procedure main()
if find("graphics", !&features) then stop("no graphics, sorry")
w := open("hello-graphics", "g", "font=12x24", "rows=1",
"columns=22", "canvas=hidden") |
stop("no graphics window")
writes(w, " Hello, graphic world ")
WriteImage(w, "../images/hello-graphics.png")
prompt$ unicon -s hello-graphics.icn -x

Overview of Unicon¶
Unicon encompasses Icon. Many things attributed to Unicon here, may have originated in Icon. Attempts will be made to clearly state when Icon is the origin. Everything from Icon is in Unicon, and then extended out by the Unicon team. This Unicon centric view is not meant as a slight to the Icon project, but merely a convenience when writing about Unicon.
A quick tour of Unicon syntax and semantics.
Unicon is a very high level, network and graphic savvy, multiple paradigm programming language. Elements of imperative, procedural, concurrent, object oriented, reflective, and iterative programming are present and can be freely mixed. Support library sources add more paradigms in a limited fashion, such as interactive, list, logic and XML based programming.
Unicon counts as a curly-bracket language.
The reference implementation is written in C (and a specialized C variant called rtt).
A Java based variant is available, Junicon, http://junicon.sourceforge.net/site/index.html, but this version is not yet complete in terms of runtime function support. Junicon translates core Unicon to Groovy (for an interactive interpreter mode) or Java (for regular compiled mode) on way to the JVM.
The rest of this page describes the reference implementation, although most of the material would be the same for Junicon.
The Icon programming language lies at the heart of Unicon. Icon has been in development in various forms since 1977, with predecessors including SNOBOL and SL5, which date back even further to the 1960s. Unicon builds on the Icon feature set.
Icon is marked as complete, and is in maintenance mode. Unicon continues to evolve, and is in active development.
Unicon includes a vast array of features. One can look at that as tool bloat; but a better, more productive, point of view is to look at Unicon as a full tool box. A single, unified entity containing a well integrated collection of mechanisms, working together to become greater than the sum of the parts. (Without bulging at the seams).
Virtual Machine¶
Unicon source can be compiled for a cross platform virtual machine ucode
readable source and icode
Or Unicon source can be natively compiled to binary executable form using a
command line option. Native compiles do not yet support all Unicon
Unicon is an expression language; everything is an expression, including control flow reserved words. Unicon expressions produce a value or fail. Expressions strive to succeed and will attempt alternatives, within the bounds of an expression context, before producing a value or eventually failing. This is termed goal-directed evaluation. Goal-directed evaluation works hand in hand with generators, mentioned below and works best when backtracking is kept in mind.
A nice one word synopsis of Unicon is determination.
Values and Types¶
There are 6 basic immutable types in Unicon:
- null (with a special keyword name, &null)
- integer
- real
- string
- cset (short for character set)
- pattern
Unicon is an 8 bit clean ASCII system, zero valued bytes are allowed in strings and character sets. Unicon uses one relative indexing in most cases, the first element is 1, not 0.
Values have a type, variables do not. Variables can be freely assigned any value. All values are first class values in Unicon, and can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, and returned as results.
Strings are immutable, and subscript assignment or concatenate operations will produce a new string, not change an existing string value in place.
Unicon has no pointers, but internally manages references to values.
There are high level, mutable, structured data types:
- list
- set
- table
- record
Unicon includes class and method definitions that internally use record structures for compile time and runtime management.
Unicon also has a set of support data types:
- co-expression (including synchronous tasks and concurrent threads)
- window
- file
Variables not bound to a value default to null
, represented by the keyword
Although Unicon allows variable use without declaration, explicit control over
, global
and static
scope is always preferred and can avoid
unintended name resolution behaviours. This can be a problem when changes to a
program introduce a new global
and previously undeclared, assumed
, variables are no longer local to a particular procedure.
Undeclared variable warnings can be produced with the compiler -u
Numeric calculations will raise a runtime error when non numeric values (or values that cannot be unambiguously converted to numeric) are included in a computation.
Runtime errors normally cause an abnormal program termination with back trace,
but can be transformed and treated as failure conditions through the use of
a special keyword, &error
Automatic type coercion is attempted between integer, real, string, and character set values as required by the surrounding expression context.
and the empty string are not promoted to zero in calculations, but
cause an aforementioned runtime error.
Division with all integer values produces an integer result. Division by zero causes a runtime error. Zero to the power of zero is deemed an undefined number and causes a runtime error.
Integer literals can include a base radix[1] prefix, and real number literals can include an exponent notation[2] suffix. Base 10 integer literals can also include a scaling suffix. Integer literal scaling includes (case insensitive):
- K scale by
, kilo
- M scale by
, mega
- G scale by
, giga
- T scale by
, tera
- P scale by
, peta
Integer literals can be of arbitrary magnitude.
Internally, large integers are a special type and values exceeding native processor signed value bit widths (commonly 15, 31, or 63 bits) are automatically managed by Unicon with special software routines. (These large integer routines are much slower than native hardware integer computation circuitry and are, by necessity, non-atomic when concurrency is involved). Although transition from native to large integer handling is automatic, and does not usually require any attention when programming, there may be times when explicit handling is called for. There is a sample in the Program Library for testing when a number has been promoted to large integer form.
String literals use double quotes, i.e. "a string"
Character set literals, called Cset in Unicon, use apostrophe (single
quotes), i.e. 'aaaxyz'
. Please note, cset
data is a set. That
previous example will only contain a single occurrence of the a
at runtime.
String literals can be extended across lines by ending the source line with an underscore. Leading spaces on the following line are ignored.
Newlines and other non printable characters can be included in string literals using backslash escape notation.
Regular expression literals use open and close angle brackets (chevrons), i.e.
, matches a
or b
or c
during a match expression.
List literals are enclosed in square brackets, each element separated by
commas. Elements can be any type, including lists or other high level
aggregate types. Empty lists are expressed as []
. Dangling commas at the
end of a list literal create an extra null
item in the list, as do empty
intermediate entries.
List comprehensions use [: expr :]
bracket colon/colon bracket syntax. The
resulting list will be all the values generated by expr
[1] | Integer literal base radix prefix is specified by a base ten number of a
base from 2 through 36 followed by a literal r or R . For example
8r700 is octal notation, 2r101010 is binary notation. |
[2] | Real number exponent suffixes are expressed as Ennn, where nnn is a
base ten value in the range of -308 to 308 (for 64 bit double precision
floating point). The E is case insensitive, e or E . |
Unicon has local, static (local), and global scope. There is also support
for package
variable name spaces.
Undeclared variables inside procedures default to local scope. This can be an issue during long term maintenance. If a global variable is later declared with the same name, an “undeclared” procedure variable is now declared and the procedure may inadvertently change a global value with undesirable outcome.
Long term Unicon development wisdom means fully declaring all local variables even though it is a default semantic.
unicon -u
will cause a compile time error when detecting use of an
undeclared local variable. You will need to run this pass before adding
any new global variables for maximum effect in catching inadvertent name
Static variables are local to a procedure but retain values between
invocations of the procedure. The initial clause is handy for preparing
static values when more than simple assignment is required (loading tables
from disk, for instance). The initial
expression is only evaluated once
per procedure during the lifetime of a program.
Procedure names are global. Procedure parameter identifiers are always explicitly local to the procedure, overriding any global identifier lookup. For those rare times when a procedure needs to access a global variable with the same name as a parameter, the variable built in reflective function can be used.
Record constructor descriptors are global. Although the inner field names are somewhat local to the record (there can be duplicate member names across different records). All instances of a record type have the same field names.
Class definitions are global. Methods follow the same inner-local sharing as records. All instances of a class have access to all the variable and method names of the class, but different classes may use duplicate names inside.
The package declaration specifies that all global symbols within the source unit belong to a named package. All global declarations (variables, procedures records and classes) are invisible outside the package, unless explicitly imported. This feature, along with class definitions, uses an external compile time database to help manage namespace and import linkage of resources within a package.
Package management in Unicon is designed as a “programming in the large” feature. There are some externally influenced management issues to be aware of to ease programming at this scale. See the package entry and Objects for details.
Unicon builds with over 300 predefined functions[3].
User defined functions[4] are called procedures
in Unicon. These
are all expressions
that produce values or fail.
Unicon does not have a so called void
type; there is success and a value
(possibly null
) or failure.
Throughout this documentation, the terms function and procedure are used somewhat interchangeably given the context of Unicon.
In comparison to some other programming languages, such as Pascal where by definition procedures do not return values. Or in a mathematical sense where functions do not cause side effects. Neither of those cases hold in current or historic Unicon terminology or jargon. Nothing will stop you from writing code to meet those stricter definitions if so desired, but they are not commonly used Unicon terms of art.
Procedure names can be overridden within scoping rules.
As first class values, procedure and function references can be passed as arguments, returned from procedures, and bound to variables.
Procedures are invoked with commonly seen function(args,...)
syntax or function!list
Programmer defined control structure invocation is also possible with
function{expr1; expr2...}
brace syntax. See User defined control structures.
Procedures can also be invoked by string name once enabled (see invocable).
More technically, the syntax is actually expr ()
, where the invocation
operator ()
follows an expression, any expression.
When the initial invocation expression in an integer, it becomes a grouped
expression and the value determines the parameter to use as the result of the
entire comma separated expression group, counted from 1 going left to right.
For example: 2(first(), second())
is a grouped expression returning the
second result.
Procedures compiled for the Unicon virtual machine can be linked into other Unicon programs with the link reserved word. The link phase is fairly smart, and will only include procedures actually used (or set as invocable), so there is no worry of overall program bloat when linking to files that contain multiple procedures.
Without an explicit return
or suspend
, procedures fail
by default.
That means that procedures that “fall through” to the end
reserved word,
and produce no value. This has implications that developers should
keep in mind. An empty return can be used to avoid unexpected nested or
chained expression failure.
[3] | See function for details on listing predefined functions. |
[4] | Programmers are sometimes sloppy with the use of the term function ,
this author is guilty of this technical word crime. In mathematics a
function has no side effects and any given input will always produce the
same result. Step wise procedures and algorithms are allowed side effects
and state change can influence results. Common vernacular has led to a
situation where many (but not all) programmers use the terms function
and procedure interchangeably. “functions” are often not predictably
reproducible or free of side effect. |
String scanning¶
The Unicon language includes a syntax for string scanning, with bookkeeping of subject string and current position managed by the scanning environment.
s ? expr
is a subject string, and the expr scanning expression can be
arbitrarily complex. Results can be nested in other scanning expressions.
String scanning can be far more powerful than regular expressions
. The
subject matter does not need to be regular
or finite or free of context.
String scanning expressions can have ever changing contextual state managed
within the expression itself, and are free to move the position of interest
without constraint. Theoretically. You will exceed the limits of RAM and
disk space available in the world before you exceed the power inherent in
Unicon string scanning expressions. And if you think you are getting close,
Unicon also supports regular expressions
and SNOBOL style patterns
so, the Universe is the limit (and then some).
Functions and operators can return values, or suspend values.
places a boundary on goal directed evaluation, suspend
the Unicon goal-directed evaluation engine to resume a procedure and attempt
alternatives. return
can be followed by any expression or if omitted,
defaults to a null
value. suspend
can include an optional do
phrase that is evaluated when the expression is resumed before following the
rest of the normal flow of control. In grand Unicon fashion, the expression
that follows suspend do
can also be a generator.
Unicon co-expressions are encapsulated expression contexts which allow for parallel evaluation and coroutines, among other power features, like concurrency and multitasking.
Unicon builds with 2D, and 3D graphics facilities. Unicon also ships with an object oriented, class based, graphical user interface builder. The graphics engine is event driven with features allowing for implicit and explicit event management.
Unicon supports sound, including a layer for VOIP if prerequisites are available during build.
Object oriented¶
Unicon includes class based object oriented features. This layer is an integration of the earlier IDOL preprocessor into the Unicon core language. Unicon classes are quite simple and yet complex; circular inheritance is supported (although not overly recommended unless programming routines dealing with things like the wave/particle duality in quantum physics theories).
Unicon leans to the more than one way of doing things school of thinking, but there is also a tendency toward idiomatic Unicon, which comes with experience and shared learning by example.
# do some thing to each line of an open file
while line := read(f) do {
# same, without bracing
while line := read(f) do thing(line)
# another form with nested expressions
while thing(read(f))
# another form, using the generate elements operator
every line := !f do thing(line)
# object oriented forms (if f is a class instance encapsulating file)
every f.thing()
# or an alternative
while f.thing()
# others, yes there are other expression forms...
# and perhaps the idiomatic form (opinions may vary)
every thing(!f)
You are free to choose. Unicon practitioners will accept all of the above forms as valid source constructs, but that last one sure is concise, sweet looking code.
Unicon expression and operator syntax is so well designed and flexible that even after 40 years of study, advanced programmers are still impressing each other with new techniques. Ok, maybe that is just this author’s impression from initial readings of some of the conversations between the Unicon gurus regarding the secrets yet to discover in Unicon syntax and idioms.
Building Unicon from source¶
Now on to getting all this Unicon goodness installed on your computer.

Where url-svn
is svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/unicon/code/trunk unicon-svn
options are explained in more detail in the README
file. For a
a list of build options, use ./configure --help
In the instructions below, working-dir
, install-dir
, and
are dealer’s choice directory names (pick a name
appropriate for the local system).
Unicon follows the de facto standard ./configure; make; sudo make install
paradigm. There are quite a few options to allow for customized builds. See
./configure --help
for details of all the build options. Enable and
disable features and components during the ./configure
- Get the code
prompt$ cd $HOME/working-dir/
prompt$ svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/unicon/code/trunk unicon
prompt$ cd unicon
- Configure
prompt$ ./configure
- Make
prompt$ make
- Prep: (somewhere in ~/.bashrc [5] add)
# add unicon
add-unicon () {
if [[ ! $PATH =~ unicon ]]; then
export PATH
You will now have an add-unicon
shell function available. Set it to load
during startup or type the command when you want to have unicon
Or simply use make install
to install Unicon to the configured locations.
- Invoke
prompt$ source ~/.bashrc
prompt$ add-unicon
The above step will not be necessary if make install
was used.
prompt$ cd $HOME/unicon-projects/
prompt$ cat hello.icn
procedure main()
write("Hello, world")
prompt$ unicon -s hello.icn -x
Hello, world
Party, like it’s 2099.
- Install
The Unicon source build creates a directory structure and command sequence so
the only thing you really need to do is set the PATH to the unicon/bin
directory. This layout knows where the link libraries are, include
subdirectories, etcetera. If you like a little more control over the
placement, then read through $HOME/working-dir/unicon/Makefile
for details
on setting up an install with:
prompt$ sudo make install
If using the default prefix (/usr/local
usually), the above command
(usually) requires sudo
or run the command as the root super user so the
installer has permissions for the system directories.
There are older Make rules to control this as shown below, but using the de facto standard DESTDIR and PREFIX settings are now recommended.
prompt$ make Install dest=install-dir
You can change the add-unicon
function to set the path to this shiny new
, (or, just export that bin path). The add-unicon
function is handy when initially trying out a Unicon build, but you will
probably find that setting the Unicon path becomes part and parcel of your
shell login. I never type add-unicon anymore, the Unicon path setting is
built into the shell startup now.
- Package repository
As of Unicon 13.1, Jafar has created package build rules, which can be used to build your own binary packages. Jafar has also created a PPA (Personal Package Archive), which can be used to automatically stay up to date with binary builds of Unicon on Ubuntu. No sourcing around required.
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jafaral/unicon
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install unicon
- Time to enjoy programming in Unicon
Things should now be ready to go; so on with the show...
But first, a brief word from our sponsors ... the people that created Unicon, not advertising, this is free documentation.
Feel free to skip over some of this very exciting background and history
information and get right into Datatypes, or hit Development Tools and leap
right into developing, compiling, and running Unicon
[5] | There are quite a few options for shell start up scripts. ~/.bashrc is just one of the options. Your local site setup may use ~/.bash_profile (which is actually the more current and correct form of interactive shell start up control, but this author has been using ~/.bashrc for over two decades now, and it’s an old, hard to break habit). There are also system wide startup scripts, /etc/profile for instance. Shells other than bash will have different options, and other operating systems will have completely different details when it comes to setting the unicon command path. Consult your local documentation. |
In the early 1960’s, Ralph Griswold, David Farber, and Ivan Polonsky, formed the core team that designed SNOBOL.
What follows is part lore, part fact, the facts somewhat lost in the mists of time.
SNOBOL was a renaming of SEXI, String EXtraction Interpreter, a name that eventually caused the core team pause, when clerical staff would be smirking while handing over printouts with title pages of SEXI Ralph Griswold, and SEXI Dave Farber. The story goes that SNOBOL, StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language, was a hard found name after hearing “This program doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in ...” and SNOBOL was so named, and backronymed later.

XKCD http://xkcd.com/1755/ by Randall Munroe CC BY-NC 2.5
Less folklore, more factful, now.
Icon was a continuation of the string manipulation and pattern matching strengths of SNOBOL but with a design more in line with ALGOL source code form and other structured programming languages of the mid 1970s.

The Icon cube
Icon is just a name, coined before graphical desktops, and before icons as we now know them.
Icon pioneered many key concepts that still influences programming language design and development, and in some ways might be seen as surpassing even the most modern language feature sets. Generators, goal-directed evaluation, chained expressions, string scanning and pattern matching to name a few.
Dr. Griswold had less concern for the commercial success of Icon than the educational potentials of the language. The sources are in the Public Domain, along with the main books about Icon. This may be part of the reason for Icon remaining a relatively obscure programming system; lack of commercial backing meant that there was little vested corporate interest in developments, while at the same time garnering great respect from the professionals and students that got a chance to write code in Icon. Icon was developed, from the ground up, to be very cross-platform, but was not designed to seed any corporate empires.
This author’s first exposure was in the mid 1980s. Having convinced management to allow some after hours work on another team’s VAX/VMS system. They had a C compiler. We had VMS and Forth, but the other team had a DEC C compiler. I spent a couple of evenings, off the clock, building an early version of GCC. That became our team’s C compiler. While we were a Forth shop, having access to C was a boon for some side projects. A few other evenings later, still off the clock, I built a version of Icon v6 for the VAX. That soon became an even greater boon for other side and support projects. Icon can easily chew through utterly complex, raw and structured data, outputting formats that suit the need of the moment. Icon was put to great use. As a side benefit, Farberisms, as the application message of the day, was very well received by the telco engineers we supported at the time.
A few years later, and we had VAX/VMS upgraded with X11 (DECWindows) so the install of Icon was updated with graphics support built in. That is when Clint Jeffery’s name started making the rounds with the team.
There were early extensions built for Icon; IDOL an object oriented layer, being one of them. That and other extensions, in particular the POSIX features, were morphed into early versions of Unicon by Clint Jeffery and friends.
The Icon roots¶
The University of Arizona Computer Science Department is in charge of the Icon project, and it remains the Icon project. Out of respect for the late Dr. Griswold and his desire to freeze the Icon feature set, Icon is in maintenance mode, a completed project. Releases are now only produced for minor updates or when surrounding C compiler and operating system changes make it a necessity for clean Icon source code compiles.
And then Unicon¶
Unicon is not an official updated version or release of Icon, it is a separate project. Unicon builds on the public domain Icon version 9 sources, and extends those sources out from a very mature, stable code base. Core Unicon is a mature product yet still in development. Clinton Jeffery has been involved with the lead Icon and Unicon development teams since the early days. Now, in 2016, Unicon has established itself well. A feature rich, actively developed programming language, ready and able to take on the internet, and pretty much any problem deserving an automated solution.

Unicon art, by Serendel Macphereson
Jafar Al-Gharaibeh celebrated his 10th anniversary with the project on 2016-08-06.
Nice. Clinton Jeffery has got to be approaching a 30th, or more, Icon years
included. Active developments abound. SNOBOL and regex patterns added to
augment string scanning, all the network messaging protocols, audio and VOIP,
and continual polish and new features. Robert Parlett has created some
terrific code in the uni
directory that ships with the source code, and
highlights the object oriented features of the system. Unicon is a stable,
yet still expanding programming environment. Release 13 alpha is looking
Side blurb: Almost all the samples in this document are captured while the documentation markup is processed into HTML and PDF (and the other output forms). The early pages, August 2016, are all processed with builds of Unicon 13 alpha, pulled live from the SVN source repository on a regular basis, and rebuilt, before each writing session. Stable. (Or if not stable, you will be reading a book full of bugs and broken examples. I bet you are not reading a book full of build bugs. There might will be some mistakes, but blame the document, not Unicon, for those failures.)
Please be aware that this document is written by an interested programmer, not by the good folk that work on the internals. Unicon is already a very well documented system, and these pages are meant to augment and by no means replace any previous efforts. If there are discrepancies, treat this document with suspicion, and the original source as likely correct and more accurate.
for access to a vast array of high and low level notes, guides, manuals, references, thesis, and other documentation. Hint hint, TR78-3 is cool. 1978. The Icon Overview.
Clinton Jeffery¶
Team lead for the development of the Unicon programming language.
University of Idaho, Computer Science Department.
Shamim Mohamed¶
Worked with Clinton on the original creation of Unicon; POSIX layer.
Federico Balbi¶
Unicon contributing developer; ODBC interface.
Robert Parlett¶
Unicon contributing developer; Packages, tools, class libraries.
Jafar Al-Gharaibeh¶
Unicon contributing developer; concurrency, 3D graphics.
Qutaiba Mahmoud¶
Added support for pseudo terminals in Unicon.
Ralph Griswold¶
Dr. Ralph Griswold, 1934-2006
Computer scientist, designed and developed SNOBOL, SL5, and Icon
David Farber¶
Professor of computer science.
Famous for many things in the field, including Farberisms.
Ivan Polonsky¶
Computer scientist, designed and developed SNOBOL.
The Unicon Citizen list¶
This list is taken from the Unicon project page, at
It is separately maintained, and these people deserve the pride of place within the Unicon ecosystem. The Citizen list is included here for completeness, but may not always be in synch with the list given above and will include duplicates.
A future release of this docset will merge the two lists and hopefully expand on the entries, as these are the people that we all owe a round of thanks to when programming in Unicon.
- Federico Balbi
- Developer of the ODBC/SQL interface.
- Nolan Clayton
- Contributor to the Unicon IDE.
- Sudarshan Gaikaiwari
- Developer of snobol-style pattern datatype, along with operator overloading.
- Jafar al Gharaibeh
- Dr. al Gharaibeh developed the concurrent programming feature and has been an extensive contributor to the 3D facilities.
- Clint Jeffery
- Father of Unicon, his mission is to make Icon’s core expression semantics useful in as many applications and to as many programmers as possible.
- Susie Jeffery
- Contributor to the GUI class library, including (especially) the editabletextlist widget.
- Steve Lumos
- Developer of the messaging facilities. Co-administrator of the Unicon sourceforge site and mailing list.
- Kazimir Majorinc
- Founder of The Generator.
- Naomi Martinez
- Developer of Unicon’s 3D graphics facilities.
- Shamim Mohamed
- Developer of the POSIX interface, coauthor of the Unicon book; he coined the name “Unicon”.
- Shea Newton
- Author of Unicon 12’s benchmarks.
- Robert Parlett
- Author of Unicon’s package mechanism. Developer of many class libraries and the IVIB interface tool. Coauthor of the Unicon book chapter on graphic interfaces.
- Ray Pereda
- Ported Berkeley YACC to Icon; his iyacc is used in the Unicon translator. Coauthor of the Unicon book chapters on compilers and genetic algorithms.
- Katie Ray
- Author of the Ulex lexical analyzer generator.
- Hani bani Salameh
- Contributor to the Unicon IDE.
- Barry Schwartz
- Primary contributor to AMD64 port, including its co-expression switch.
- Ziad al Sharif
- The first Unicon Ph.D. and author of the UDB source level debugger.
- Phillip Thomas
- Chief critic, user, tester, and visionary supporter.
- Ken Walker
- Honorary Unicon citizen who developed iconc, the Icon optimizing compiler which forms the basis for “unicon -C” on some Unicon platforms.
- Steve Wampler
- Technical reviewer and major contributor to multiple epochs of Icon and Unicon.
- Mike Wilder
- Wrote uniconc, a port of iconc to support almost all of Unicon on Linux. Implemented vector hashing code which improves type inferencing scalability.
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