
Unicon on¶
Along with the IPL, contains another treasure trove of Unicon programming examples, tips, and learning materials.
Everything from simple Hello, world examples to complex graphing and other meaty topics.
Some samples¶
Combinations and Permutations¶
A nice example of concise Unicon, and the benefits of large integer support.
procedure C(n,k)
every (d:=1) *:= 2 to k
return P(n,k)/d
procedure P(n,k)
every (p:=1) *:= (n-k+1) to n
return p
write("P(1000,10) = ",P(1000,10))
write("P(1000,15) = ",P(1000,15))
P(1000,10) = 955860613004397508326213120000
P(1000,15) = 899864387800469514043972248293019354931200000
Two Sum¶
Not yet a Unicon guru, here is a possibly less than stellar RosettaCode entry by this author.
# twosum.icn, find two array elements that add up to a given sum
# Dedicated to the public domain
link fullimag
procedure main(arglist)
sum := pop(arglist) | 21
L := []
if *arglist > 0 then every put(L, integer(!arglist)) & L := sort(L)
else L := [0, 2, 11, 19, 90]
write(fullimage(twosum(sum, L)))
# assume sorted list, only interested in zero or one solution
procedure twosum(sum, L)
i := 1
j := *L
while i < j do {
try := L[i] + L[j]
if try = sum then return [i,j]
if try < sum then
i +:= 1
j -:= 1
return []
Sample run:
prompt$ unicon -s onesum.icn -x
The above sample does not quite highlight the expressive power of Unicon, the task requires zero or one solution. Unicon can do much better than that.
# twosum.icn, find two array elements that add up to a given sum
# a modification of
link fullimag
procedure main(arglist)
# predictable results for the UP docset
&random := 1
# target sum
sum := pop(arglist) | ?100
# create a list of the rest of the arguments, or make it up
L := []
if *arglist > 0 then every put(L, integer(!arglist))
else every 1 to 20 do put(L, ?100)
writes(sum, ", ")
# keep track of result count
results := 0
every write(fullimage(pair := twosum(sum, L)), " ",
L[pair[1]], " ", L[pair[2]]) do results +:= 1
if results = 0 then write("[], no solution")
# O(n^2), nested iterations
procedure twosum(sum, L)
every i := 1 to *L-1 do
every j := i+1 to *L do
if L[i] + L[j] = sum then suspend [i,j]
Sample runs:
prompt$ unicon -s twosum.icn -x
73, [94,32,38,27,97,30,37,18,59,85,91,64,70,92,46,52,9,16,56,56]
[4,15] 27 46
[12,17] 64 9
prompt$ unicon -s twosum.icn -x 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10, [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
[1,11] 0 10
[2,10] 1 9
[3,9] 2 8
[4,8] 3 7
[5,7] 4 6
Pathological floating point problems¶
Found this one interesting, and was initially disappointed (but not for long), as the Unicon real data type falls into the trap of not having enough precision to produce correct results for this task.
The initial quick trial for the sequence convergence shows the problem:
# patho.icn, Pathological problems with floating point
# From RosettaCode
link printf
procedure main()
iterations := [3,4,5,6,7,8,20,30,50,100,200]
every n := !iterations do {
ans := patho(n, 2.0, -4.0)
printf("%3d %19.15r\n", n, ans)
# this sequence should converge on 6.0
procedure patho(n, a, v)
if n < 3 then return v
return patho(n -:= 1, v, 111-1130/v+3000/(v*a))
The sample run starts miscalculating the proper convergence pretty much after the first iteration, and then shortly fails catastrophically converging on 100, instead of 6.
prompt$ unicon -s patho-real.icn -x
3 18.500000000000000
4 9.378378378378379
5 7.801152737752169
6 7.154414480975333
7 6.806784736924811
8 6.592632768721792
20 98.349503122165360
30 99.999999999998930
50 100.000000000000000
100 100.000000000000000
200 100.000000000000000
I mentioned it on the SourceForge forum, and how a REXX solution with inherent decimal arithmetic (and explicit control on how many digits are used in calculations) made for a very easy to read and correct solution. Bruce Rennie came to the rescue almost immediately.
Unicon supports infinite length integers, which can be scaled out to allow very precise control over the number of digits used in computations. A little bit of fixed point decimal arithmetic, and large integers make this problem a cake walk. Runs fast and accurate, and the source code is a very clean read.
Bruce posted a small example, which was modified a bit to suit a RosettaCode entry (and to fill out other parts of the task, to further demonstrate the ease of using highly precise fixed point decimal math in Unicon programs).
# Pathological floating point problems
procedure main()
# First task, sequence convergence
link printf
procedure sequence()
local l := [2, -4]
local iters := [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200]
local i, j, k
local n := 1
write("Sequence convergence")
# Demonstrate the convergence problem with various precision values
every k := (100 | 300) do {
n := 10^k
write("\n", k, " digits of intermediate precision")
# numbers are scaled up using large integer powers of 10
every i := !iters do {
l := [2 * n, -4 * n]
printf("i: %3d", i)
every j := 3 to i do {
# build out a list of intermediate passes
# order of scaling operations matters
put(l, 111 * n - (1130 * n * n / l[j - 1]) +
(3000 * n * n * n / (l[j - 1] * l[j - 2])))
# down scale the result to a real
# some precision may be lost in the final display
printf(" %20.16r\n", l[i] * 1.0 / n)
# Task 2, chaotic bank of Euler
procedure chaotic()
local euler, e, scale, show, y, d
write("\nChaotic Banking Society of Euler")
# format the number for listing, string form, way overboard on digits
euler :=
# precise math with long integers, string form just for pretty listing
e := integer(euler)
# 1000 digits after the decimal for scaling intermediates and service fee
scale := 10^1000
# initial deposit, e - $1
d := e - scale
# show balance with 16 digits
show := 10^16
write("Starting balance: $", d * show / scale * 1.0 / show, "...")
# wait 25 years, with only a trivial $1 annual service fee
every y := 1 to 25 do {
d := d * y - scale
# show final balance with 4 digits after the decimal (truncation)
show := 10^4
write("Balance after ", y, " years: $", d * show / scale * 1.0 / show)
A much more satisfying run:
prompt$ unicon -s patho.icn -x
Sequence convergence
100 digits of intermediate precision
i: 3 18.5000000000000000
i: 4 9.3783783783783790
i: 5 7.8011527377521620
i: 6 7.1544144809752490
i: 7 6.8067847369236330
i: 8 6.5926327687044380
i: 20 6.0435521101892680
i: 30 6.0067860930312060
i: 50 6.0001758466271870
i: 100 99.9999999999998400
i: 200 100.0000000000000000
300 digits of intermediate precision
i: 3 18.5000000000000000
i: 4 9.3783783783783790
i: 5 7.8011527377521610
i: 6 7.1544144809752490
i: 7 6.8067847369236320
i: 8 6.5926327687044380
i: 20 6.0435521101892680
i: 30 6.0067860930312060
i: 50 6.0001758466271870
i: 100 6.0000000193194780
i: 200 6.0000000000000000
Chaotic Banking Society of Euler
Starting balance: $1.718281828459045...
Balance after 25 years: $0.0399
With only a small bit of fixed point management, Unicon is more than capable of very precise fractional mathematics when real native floating point data may not be up to the task. Some care needs to be taken with the order of scaling within the large integer operations, but other than that, this style of programming is fairly straight forward. It shines another bright light on Unicon for use in general purpose programming.
The COBOL 2014 specification calls for 1,000 digits of internal precision for financially sound computations. Unicon can easily meet and exceed that requirement when using large integers in fixed point decimal calculations. At speed.
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