
Documenting Unicon programs¶
Unicon headers¶
Ralph Griswold was fond of full intent documentation at the top of his Icon programs. Unicon can continue that tradition. Comment blocks at the top of a source file, with a little discipline to allow for machine readable processing, is a cheap and effective way to document small programs, and to help keep them organized. The IPL has a sample of the skeleton file that can be used to start a new Unicon source file. This author recommends taking a copy of that, customizing it to suit your preferences and use it for each and every program you write, large or small.
# File:
# Subject: Program
# Author:
# Date:
# This file is in the public domain.
# Requires:
# Links:
procedure main()
The empty section in the middle if meant for the program synopsis and explanation. All the programs in the IPL follow this convention.
For most of the files in this doc set, a different template is used[1].
# Author: Brian Tiffin
# Dedicated to the public domain
# Date: October 2016
# Modified: 2019-10-20/19:15-0400 btiffin
# filename.icn, purpose
# tectonics
procedure main()
For the document generator, a special feature of docutils literal include is used, where each listing is included with the option:
:start-after: ##+
The listings in the book aren’t burdened with repetitive rights information, but when downloaded, the copyright and license (or dedication) is included so everyone clearly knows how the source can be used.
See tectonics for the definition of the word, meaning from source build instructions, in this docset.
[1] | That might be a mistake. These headers will not produce valid results from the IPL indexing program, iplweb.icn. |
vim autoload¶
With Vim, adding these skeletons to new Unicon files is as easy
as adding one line to a .vimrc
" Auto load Unicon template
autocmd BufNewFile *.icn 0r ~/lang/icon/skeleton.icn
Now, every time you start an empty .icn
file in vim
it’ll be preloaded
with your personal template. The 0r
vim command (read at 0) is followed
by a site-local filename; customize the ~/lang/icon/
part to match your
If you don’t want the skeleton for a particular file, tapping u
for undo,
at the start of an edit, will clear the template.
Another sequence in Vim
that is very handy, auto modification stamping:
" Auto update modified time stamp
" Modified (with colon) must occur in the first 16 lines,
" 32 chars of data before Modified tag remembered
" modify strftime to suit
function! LastModified()
if &modified
let save_cursor = getpos(".")
let n = min([16, line("$")])
keepjumps exe '1,' . n . 's#^\(.\{,32}Modified:\).*#\1'
\ . strftime(" %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M%z") . '#e'
call histdel('search', -1)
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
au BufWritePre * call LastModified()
Add that to ~/.vimrc
Now, on file write, a top Modified:
line will get a nice timestamp.
The routine only looks at the first 16 lines of text. The function also
limits the scan for the Modified:
tag within the first 32 characters of
each line. You can customize all three of these preferences by changing the
literals in the VimL function definition.
Unicon Technical Reports¶
There is an abundance of technical documentation for Unicon and Icon. Unicon programmers are fortunate that the core reference materials are in the Public Domain, or use liberal usage and redistribution licensing. User guides and deep implementation documentation are freely available. Extension and enhancement materials in the form of Technical Reports are also a click away, and can be redistributed with applications.
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