Unicon Programming¶

Author: | Brian Tiffin |
Date: | Oct 27, 2019. Started 2016-07-29 |
Status: | Work in progress, 0.6.149 |
Unicon: | The Unified extended dialect of Icon. A very high level programming language. |
Abstract: | Unicon Programming is meant to augment the other documentation available for the Unicon programming language. It will focus on code examples, with downloadable source listings, and try to fill in details that other Unicon project documents have not yet completely covered. |
Acknowledgement: | |
With many thanks to the Unicon development team, and the Icon project. |
Copyright and License: | |
Copyright © 2016-2019 Brian Tiffin This file is part of the Unicon Programming document. This documentation is free; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this document. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. While this work is covered under the GNU GPL, the included code listings often come with explicit copyright and licensing notices. When extracted from this documentation, any explicit notices take precedent. Unicon artwork, Nico the Unicorn, by Serendel Macphereson. |
Feedback: | Correction requests and other feedback can be posted to the Unicon discussion forums at https://sourceforge.net/p/unicon/discussion. |
PDF available at UniconProgramming.pdf
- Unicon Programming
- Datatypes
- Data Structures
- Expressions
- Operators
- Reserved words
- Functions
- Unicon Functions
- Abort
- abs
- acos
- Active
- Alert
- any
- Any
- Arb
- Arbno
- args
- array
- asin
- atan
- atanh
- Attrib
- Bal
- bal
- Bg
- Break
- Breakx
- callout
- center
- char
- chdir
- chmod
- chown
- chroot
- classname
- Clip
- Clone
- close
- cofail
- collect
- Color
- ColorValue
- condvar
- constructor
- copy
- CopyArea
- cos
- Couple
- crypt
- cset
- ctime
- dbcolumns
- dbdriver
- dbkeys
- dblimits
- dbproduct
- dbtables
- delay
- delete
- detab
- display
- DrawArc
- DrawCircle
- DrawCube
- DrawCurve
- DrawCylinder
- DrawDisk
- DrawImage
- DrawLine
- DrawPoint
- DrawPolygon
- DrawRectangle
- DrawSegment
- DrawSphere
- DrawString
- DrawTorus
- dtor
- entab
- EraseArea
- errorclear
- Event
- eventmask
- EvGet
- EvSend
- exec
- exit
- exp
- Eye
- Fail
- fcntl
- fdup
- Fence
- fetch
- Fg
- fieldnames
- filepair
- FillArc
- FillCircle
- FillPolygon
- FillRectangle
- find
- flock
- flush
- Font
- fork
- FreeColor
- FreeSpace
- function
- get
- getch
- getche
- getegid
- getenv
- geteuid
- getgid
- getgr
- gethost
- getpgrp
- getpid
- getppid
- getpw
- getrusage
- getserv
- GetSpace
- gettimeofday
- getuid
- globalnames
- GotoRC
- GotoXY
- gtime
- hardlink
- iand
- icom
- IdentityMatrix
- image
- InPort
- insert
- Int86
- integer
- ioctl
- ior
- ishift
- istate
- ixor
- kbhit
- key
- keyword
- kill
- left
- Len
- list
- load
- loadfunc
- localnames
- lock
- log
- Lower
- lstat
- many
- map
- match
- MatrixMode
- max
- member
- membernames
- methodnames
- methods
- min
- mkdir
- move
- MultMatrix
- mutex
- name
- NewColor
- Normals
- NotAny
- Nspan
- numeric
- open
- opencl
- oprec
- ord
- OutPort
- PaletteChars
- PaletteColor
- PaletteKey
- paramnames
- parent
- Pattern
- Peek
- Pending
- pipe
- Pixel
- PlayAudio
- Poke
- pop
- PopMatrix
- Pos
- pos
- proc
- pull
- push
- PushMatrix
- PushRotate
- PushScale
- PushTranslate
- put
- QueryPointer
- Raise
- read
- ReadImage
- readlink
- reads
- ready
- real
- receive
- Refresh
- Rem
- remove
- rename
- repl
- reverse
- right
- rmdir
- Rotate
- Rpos
- Rtab
- rtod
- runerr
- save
- Scale
- seek
- select
- send
- seq
- serial
- set
- setenv
- setgid
- setgrent
- sethostent
- setpgrp
- setpwent
- setservent
- setuid
- signal
- sin
- sort
- sortf
- Span
- spawn
- sql
- sqrt
- stat
- staticnames
- stop
- StopAudio
- string
- structure
- Succeed
- Swi
- symlink
- sys_errstr
- system
- syswrite
- Tab
- tab
- table
- tan
- Texcoord
- Texture
- TextWidth
- Translate
- trap
- trim
- truncate
- trylock
- type
- umask
- Uncouple
- unlock
- upto
- utime
- variable
- VAttrib
- wait
- WAttrib
- WDefault
- WFlush
- where
- WinAssociate
- WinButton
- WinColorDialog
- WindowContents
- WinEditRegion
- WinFontDialog
- WinMenuBar
- WinOpenDialog
- WinPlayMedia
- WinSaveDialog
- WinScrollBar
- WinSelectDialog
- write
- WriteImage
- writes
- WSection
- WSync
- Unicon Functions
- Keywords
- Unicon Keywords
- &allocated
- &ascii
- &clock
- &col
- &collections
- &column
- &control
- &cset
- ¤t
- &date
- &dateline
- &digits
- &dump
- &e
- &errno
- &error
- &errornumber
- &errortext
- &errorvalue
- &errout
- &eventcode
- &eventsource
- &eventvalue
- &fail
- &features
- &file
- &host
- &input
- &interval
- &lcase
- &ldrag
- &letters
- &level
- &line
- &lpress
- &lrelease
- &main
- &mdrag
- &meta
- &mpress
- &mrelease
- &now
- &null
- &output
- &phi
- &pi
- &pick
- &pos
- &progname
- &random
- &rdrag
- ®ions
- &resize
- &row
- &rpress
- &rrelease
- &shift
- &source
- &storage
- &subject
- &time
- &trace
- &ucase
- &version
- &window
- &x
- &y
- Unicon Keywords
- Preprocessor
- Development Tools
- String Processing
- Patterns
- Objects
- Graphics
- Database
- Networking
- Threading
- Features
- Documentation
- Testing
- Debugging
- Execution Monitoring
- Performance
- Icon Program Library
- Unicon Class Library
- Use case scenarios
- Programs
- Multilanguage
- Theory
- RosettaCode
- Notes
- BaCon
- C
- comprehension
- Creative Commons
- Expect
- Farberisms
- Forth
- Graphics Programming in Icon
- Help Wanted
- Icon
- Icon version 9
- Locale
- mutable colour
- Richard Stallman
- serif
- Tcl/Tk
- Tectonics
- uniclass
- Unix epoch
- VimL
- y2k
- Year 2038 problem
- ChangeLog
- License
- Blog entries
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